Our Services

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For small and mid-sized companies

Shaping the path for unique innovations


We are the growth funding expert. We help you scale.

While spending most of our careers in large multi-nationals, although well-functioning, responsible to more than the investors, caring for the society and the environment, we were truly awed by the amount of energy, creativity and innovation that we discovered when working with the start-up and scale-up companies. But even though they excel in technology and product innovation, these teams need much more to deliver on their ambitions and often miss and cannot yet afford relevant competencies to do so. 
Therefore, we founded AdviseMe.

Founder AdviseMe s.r.o.

Denisa Deaková, MBA


Our way


Innovation is a key of future development. We support unique business ideas that add value not only in the business meaning but also directly contribute to achieving the Environmental, Societal and Governance goals (ESG). Thanks to our creative thinking we are able to formulate a distinctively unique business vision to attract a wider audience of stakeholders.


We believe that mastering soft skills is essential for achieving business success - from being universally knowledgeable, understanding the latest global and industry trends, to developing informed judgments that will make a difference. Although being a small company, thanks to our extensive experience and focus on few customers, we can provide high value and well tailored services.


Trustworthy, honest, goodhearted - we follow our moral compass without any compromise. We keep our promises and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. In order to identify a unique core of the business idea we lead an honest and open communication with our clients.

Passion for fun

We are serious about fun. Our desire is to boost positive energy stimulating a creative working atmosphere. We believe that good spirits driven by fun and a good sense of humor add an irreplaceable essence to our lives, personal as well as professional.

Strong competency mix and a fresh, open mind

Our desire is to help small to mid-sized companies to access funding critical to scale their technology, accelerate take-to-market and grow their organizations. We support high-risk innovative projects with global ambitions and broader impacts. We help formulate corporate strategy and plans, co-write funding applications and address many challenges the companies face, not only on their funding journey.

Our Services

How we add value

Funding Assistance

We enable small and mid-sized companies to access diverse sources of funding by helping to articulate specifics of their groundbreaking innovation, formulate the strategy, co-write the business plan and the funding applications.

Grant Management

From the moment of the grant preparation until the final report, we assist companies to fulfil the grant requirements and help steer the projects towards its successful completion.

Corporate Governance

We make companies more attractive to potential investors by strengthening their corporate governance structures and processes, fostering transparency, accountability and streamlining the decision making.

First choice boutique advisor

Focusing on fewer clients, we are fully committed to provide you with an individualised approach, to best serve your needs.

Our Solutions

We Are Your Leading Business Growth Agency.

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Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

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Trusted By The World's Best Organizations

How can we help to grow your business?​

The growth funding expert. We help you scale.


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